"Hello, I´m Estefania, from Spain and I´m Erasmus student in Poland. Before starting my lessons at the university I decided to spend my first month in this country learning Polish and I chose Nysa because the university offered me the possibility of doing a three weeks course and learn the language in a small group of people. It was very effective and, at the end of the 3rd week, with the help of the teacher and the material that she gave to us, I learned basic concepts and I felt more prepared to spend one year in Poland. In addition, the had planned for us a lot of activities and we could visit all the city, we could learn something about the polish culture and we met a lot of friends!"
Estefania, Spain
I attended the Erasmus student exchange program to observe
new life styles in different countries and to be aware about different cultures.
I also thought that it will be a nice experience to study in another country
and I found what I look for in Nysa.I don't regret to be and study in Nysa.I
met with a lot of students and now I have plenty of foreign friends. Also the
teachers are very helpful to foreign students. Only thing I did not love about
school was the fact that attendance is very important. Students don't have to
miss more than 2 courses.
Although Nysa is not a big city, there is a lot to do. For example as daily
activity; walking along the river (feeding water birds), going to the dam are
some possibilities. The city itself contains old buildings and structures (Cathedral,
other churches, fountains, castles) There is also trips organized by the International
Relation Office(IRO).From the first day to the last everybody in the IRO was
very kind and helpful. They help the students in every subject with orientation
program and with their understanding. Also tutors are really qualified people.
My tutors were Marta and Marlena and I am really glad that they were my tutors.
In dormitory students can feel themselves secure and comfortable because it
is very clean and the personnel are kind and helpful. It is easy to access from
the dormitory to school, to the center and to the shops.
Volkan, Turkey
in love with Poland
- The State Higher Vocational School in Nysa
With a Hello from Latvia -
Relacja Inci Saglam z Mehmed Akif Erosy University w Turcji, uczestniczki programu Erasmus, przebywającej na stypendium w PWSZ w Nysie w semestrze letnim 2008/2009
Państwową Wyższą Szkołę Zawodową w Nysie, mieście pełnym życia, które zauroczyło mnie od pierwszej chwili, cechuje bardzo serdeczna atmosfera. Jako studentka uczestnicząca w programie Erasmus studiowałam jeden semestr w PWSZ na wydziale filologii angielskiej. Kiedy pierwszy raz ujrzałam budynek filologii wydał mi się on niewielki, jednakże w środku czekał na mnie ogrom gościnności i życzliwości zarówno polskich studentów jak i wykładowców. Moje oczekiwania co do integracji ze społeczeństwem akademickim spełniły się nie odczuwając ogromnych różnic kulturowych.
Studiując na wydziale filologicznym poszerzyłam swoją wiedzę dzięki nowym, przedmiotom, których nie miałam na mojej uczelni. Plan zajęć był zawsze dobrze zorganizowany przez nauczycieli akademickich i władze PWSZ. Zajęcia często wymagały ode mnie wiele pracy i wysiłku, jednakże zawsze starałam się w miarę możliwości im podołać. Przyjazna atmosfera w PWSZ sprawiała, że nie czułam, iż pochodzę z innego kraju. Również wycieczka do Zakopanego, zorganizowana przez PWSZ sprawiła, że bardzo dobrze czułam się w Polsce. To było wspaniałe doświadczenie móc zobaczyć tak piękny rejon Polski i w przyszłości z pewnością będę się starać tam kiedyś powrócić.
Studiowanie w PWSZ było niezapomnianym, życiowym doświadczeniem zarówno dzięki uczelni jak i wykładowcom. Mam nadzieję, że coraz to więcej studentów skorzysta z programu Erasmus biorąc udział w kreatywnym procesie uczenia się i co więcej, z pewnością będą mile przyjęci w PWSZ.
Magdalena Nowak
studentka filologii angielskiej w PWSZ w Nysie
Begum Kasap,
Industrial Engineering,
Sakarya University, Turkey
1. How do you like studying here at the University in Nysa?
I like very much studing here. Our teachers are very considerate and i like them very much.
2. What are your impressions?
3. What have you been impressed the most and the less here?
I have been impressed very much buildings because they are very diffirent from my country. Each of diffirent culture, religion, people is very impressive for me...
4. What have suprised you and what dissapointed?
I thought there is a campus in here but when I came here I saw only 3-4 building. I think because of few studens.. But in small city, there isn't traffic jam. I like very much it...
5. Is everything the same as you have imagined that before coming here? -> if not: how have you imagined studying and being here?
Before I came here, I was researched some information and so I had some information about people, meal, and so on. I didn't have a lot of expectations and I came here to be open for everything so there isn't unexpected anything for me...
6. What, in your opinion, sould be changed to improve your stay and learning process here?
I think there shouldn't be a lot of student from the same country. And we should take lessons with foreign students. Because our goal is to learn diffirent culture and to improve our languages... and language course should be more...
7. WHY have you coosen exactly POLAND to study?? Why not another country??
In Turkey when I spoke my teachers, they told me we have had good relations since the history with polish people so they like us. And they said me Polonezköy where I like very much in Istanbul, Turkey
has established by polish people. Actually these were enough for my opinion. Because in an unknown city, to make good relations is the most important for me..
8. Do you like the city and local people?
Firstly I thought Nysa is very small city and everything is finished at 18 o'clock. Because in my country until 23-24 everywhere is very crowd. But there is diffirent culture in everywhere. So at the moment I am in the habit of doing.. Everybody is very friendly and I have liked local people..